Saturday, January 9, 2010

Journal Excerpt

This week she had solid food for the first time. It was a somewhat anticlimactic experience. First of all, I’m not sure rice cereal really counts as food. It’s a mysterious powder mixed into milk or water. Despite all my instincts I tried tasting it. It tastes like nothing, with a slightly mealy aftertaste.

Secondly, perhaps a few morsels of said concoction actually made it down her throat. Most of it ended up on her fingers and the bib. The parts that did make it to her tummy probably got there by sheer gravity, as it took her awhile to figure out how to swallow apart from sucking. She spent most of the time drooling it out of her mouth, while trying to suck her fingers, which apparently remain better-tasting than the food.

I kept trying to spoon the dribbly parts back into her mouth and maintain order while she grinned and played around. Hm. This feeding stuff might be harder than it’s cracked up to be.

1 comment:

  1. Feeding will be a lot less hard when her muscles have developed more. But yea, apparently at E's age feeding isn't really feeding for a while. Also might help if you add some expressed milk if rice cereal really is that tasteless. Milk is sweet. First couple times we gave L formula, she looked at us like, "You call this milk?"
