Saturday, September 28, 2013


D has mentioned that my mood has improved noticeably in the past few weeks, probably due to the fall weather. It’s my favorite season, and I love everything about it—the crisp air, wearing sweaters, apple pies, pumpkins, thanksgivings, family, hot teas and chocolates, fall foliage. My pregnancies have all been sweltering summer ones, dragging my rotund self through the muggy heat, and the cool weather is like a breath of fresh air, a sign that it is almost over. I’ve stopped sleeping well for the past week, which is usually the point where I feel ready for the end.

The last time E rode her bike around the neighborhood, she stopped to collect fallen brown and red maple leaves. She put them in a glass jar when she got home, stuck them on her bathroom counter, and now every time she goes potty I hear her saying, "fall is here!"