Sunday, April 20, 2014

Journal Excerpt

Ellie has been asking to pray herself each night. Really sweet. Yesterday her prayer went something like this: “I pray for Daddy and Mommy and Eric and Elijah and Ellie. I pray for all the people in Mexico, Canada, and Italy [the countries we’ve studied]. Thank you for these very cute pajamas. Thank you for us all being together. Please watch over us tonight like a shepherd watches over the sheep. Please give Mommy and Daddy a very peaceful sleep. Please give us good dreams. Give Mommy a dream that is beautiful and Daddy a dream that is handsome. In Jesus name, amen.” Eric clasps his hands and bows his head the whole time.

Yesterday before bedtime was this really happy time where Elijah was lying on the ground in his usual fashion, Eric was doing a free-style dance around the floor, sometimes with a sword in hand, and Ellie was copying either of her brothers. We would have to guess who she was copying. She’d do a pretty good job, copying Eric squatting on the ground DJ’ing with his music toy (“WANT JINGLE BELLS? WANT JINGLE BELLS?”), or him swaying on his tippy-toes, or copying Elijah lying on his back flapping his arms and legs with a surprised expression. Then she’d fall down in peels of laughter. Eric had no idea she was copying him.

This morning Ellie was playing some imaginary storyline by herself and said “I need to find someone to marry…” Eric exclaimed, “I’ll marry you!” and went up to her face and said, “Hi.”

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