Sunday, February 9, 2014

Because I'm Going To Forget This Cuteness One Day

Eric has been talking up a storm lately, with variable accuracy. For “clean up” he says “nik-up.” For “sock monkey” he says “thock monkey.” For “octopus” he says “ocpotus” if he’s thinking very hard; if not, he just says “opposite” (“where the opposite?? WHERE, mommy?”). For “what’s this?” he says “wha-dis?”

I had almost forgotten that when Ellie was about his age, she would constantly ask “shu3 muh5?” (what’s that?), to the point where it drove me nuts. That, and ask me to sing the same song over and over and over, which also drove me nuts, especially during car rides. Then it struck me that this hasn’t happened with Eric. The two of them sit in the back row of the minivan, and the entire car ride, it’s “Eh-dee, wha-dis? Eh-dee, wha-dat?” and she patiently answers, “a bird.” “A truck.” And she also sings, all the time, at the top of her lungs, so he never ends up asking me for a song. It’s a nice thing about having more than one.

1 comment:

  1. my mom's response to us whenever we would ask "what's this" was "what do you think?". :)
