Friday, January 17, 2014


So I open my eyes this morning and see Penelope staring at me. Obviously, Ellie had crept into my room, found me still asleep, taken my bear from where it was lying in some corner since I don't really hug it anymore, figured I'd need it and stuffed it right up next to my face.

She's so grown-up now. Every morning, she and Eric wake up goodness knows when, and Ellie turns on the light. She takes clothes off the hangar in the closet and rifles through dresser drawers, dresses herself, accessorizes, does her hair (quick brush-through, barrette clip, hairband). She entertains and plays with Eric, who (fortunately for us) is still confined to his crib. It's not unusual for me to walk into their room in the mornings and find his face covered with stickers. Or sporting five hair clips in his hair. Or standing naked down to his diapers. When they get bored, she starts slipping into our room to "check" on how we're doing, and "take care" of things for us, like reorganizing all our DVDs into different cases, or tidying random photographs by sticking them into the fridge for safe keeping. She doesn't wake me up, so I can't complain.

To be fair, and because I (speaking of dinosaurs) recently discovered Instagram, here are the other two:

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