Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Three Together

I’m getting the usual slew of Christmas postcards, the kinds with really heartwarming pictures that remind me how bad I’ve been about documenting our own lives. So the other day, I turn up the heat, strip the kids naked, pick a neutral background, and try to get some good shots. Main lesson learned is that a two month-old and four year-old are posable; a two year-old is not. Other lesson learned is that it’s impossible to get all three of them to look at the camera at the same time. So much for all those cute photo ideas I’ve been accumulating on Pinterest. Not quite coordinated enough to go through the bother of getting them onto a card and mailing them out, but here are a few at least, for those who still frequent this blog. Merry Christmas!


  1. merry christmas!! the candid shots where not everyone's posed perfectly to look at the camera are the best. :) congrats again esther!

  2. Thanks, Connie! Always great to hear from you.
