Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthday Letter

Dear Elijah,

You turned one a few days ago. Of course you had no idea. We celebrated by making you wear a hat which you didn’t like very much—the string kept getting wedged in your folds of chin chub—and taking a proper photograph.

You’ve grown so much just in the past few months. You took your first steps just the day before you turned one. You can follow simple directions. You grab your own food in the high chair. You are the best sleeper; your bedtime routine is about five seconds long and if you cry at all it’s just for a few moments. You take two real good naps and sleep ten hours overnight without making a sound (these of course are the things that matter).

You are our most fearless baby. You love the water! You want to jump right into the pool, and don’t mind getting water on your face in the tub. You shimmy right up the steps so often we actually understand now why people get stair gates. You love catching balls, and you throw them with so much accuracy your dad believes you have quite an athletic future ahead of you.

You also seem to be a mostly easy-going baby. Your infanthood was such a joy to us. Mommy took care of you all by herself, days and nights, after you were born, and it wasn’t even that bad. You took the bottle when you had to. You slept through the night pretty early. You adapt your naps to our family schedule without much complaining.

Your life revolves a lot around your older brother and sister, who both love you fiercely and loudly. Ellie grabs you around your middle and hoists you around the house (you seem to like that). Eric likes to push his face up to yours and shout really loudly, or drape his blankets on top of your head, or lie on you (you don’t seem to like that). Unfortunately a lot of your energy centers around trying to play with the elaborate toy set-ups that the two of them don’t want you to disturb.

Daddy has a very special love for you. He really treasured your infancy in a way I’ve never seen before. He used to hold you for hours at night, just walking around the house, and maybe as a result you’ve never preferred me to him. He always talks about how cute you are, and he really misses you at the end of a work day.

We love you, buh-bee. Happy first birthday!



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