Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Journal Excerpt

Something really sweet happened tonight. I was rocking them both in the chair, her on my left thigh and him on my right. They were both naked, fresh and soft after their baths, with their diapers on. We told the story of Ellie and Eric Bunny and the Tale of the Shots since she had gotten four vaccines at the doctor’s today. We sang our way through “Tis So Sweet” and “Twinkle Twinkle” and were on the last song, “Jesus Loves Me.” They both sang out loud with me and when we got to the end, we repeated the chorus with their names as usual, except before we finished she jumped in and sang, “yes, Jesus loves xiao dee-dee” (which is what we call the baby in utero), and he joined in, and while we sang they both leaned down and kissed my belly and stroked it.

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