Sunday, March 31, 2013

Checking In Again

It’s been a long time since I’ve written. So long I’m almost not sure where to start.

It’s been a hard winter for us. Dee-dee is basically perpetually sick, in continuous cycles during which he manages to infect the entire family, till we’re all dropping like flies. Once he threw up a couple times, and boom, I’m in bed with the worst GI bug I’ve had since internship, lost to the world for four days. Last week green snot started to run down his upper lip again and boom, I get a cold so bad I stay up nights trying to breathe and lose my voice completely.

As a side note, an interesting discovery I’ve made since losing my voice is that E does not actually require answers to her now-endless series of “why” questions. Typically I try to provide accurate, scientific answers. If I have to guess or don’t know, we go into a discussion about the definition of faith (this topic is very disturbing to her. “I have to know the answer to everything!”). Today I discovered that while she will repeat her question about five or six times if she can’t hear a response, she’ll eventually start to make her own guess and then move on. “Ma-ma, do fish have gums?” “Do fish have gums?”… “well, everyone has gums, whether they are old or young. Teeth come from gums. Fish have small teeth, so I think they have small gums.” Etc.

A less exciting discovery I’ve made is how badly he takes being sick. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde. He turns from a smiling baby happy reading books in a corner by himself into a screaming ball of tantrums. He kicks and flails while I hold him, but if I put him down cries harder while holding onto my pant leg, tears mixing with snot and drool and his whole face getting so puffy and red I don’t know if I feel bad for him or mad at him.

Work has busied to the point where I’m seeing forty patients in five hours. D has gotten busier at work, directing two districts with high-profile events and endless meetings. We continue to host weekly small group, lead missions and outreach, and play for worship at church. It’s a lot. And when we’re all sick, when the kids are not themselves and I’m not feeling myself, it’s hard. I’ve been able to do some processing lately, which maybe I’ll write about more if I get the time, but mostly just trying to take it day by day.

1 comment:

  1. i've noticed everyone, in whatever stage of life they're in, thinks they're sooo busy. well, i think you actually deserve to say you are sooo busy. kudos to you guys for your ministries, i'm sure you're such a blessing to those around you!
