Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shamelessly Late Update

I know; it’s been a ridiculously long period of time since I wrote. It’s been a combination of things, some of which I’ll be able to share more about later. Two major things have been studying for the boards, which are in a week and a half, planning to move, perhaps several times, and figuring out where we should head and what we should do for the next stage in life.

E is one and a half years old now. She is practically a real little person. She’s gotten taller. She’s sturdier when she walks and eats well with a spoon. She still has a big belly that she likes to poke out when she’s upset. She still has those three rings of fat on her thighs—I’ll be sad when they’re gone. Her hair is longer and we can barely keep it clipped down.

She’s terribly expressive and willful these days. Yes, she wants to wear her raincoat even though it’s sunny outside. No, she doesn’t want to give us a kiss. No, she doesn’t want to change her diaper full of poop. She says the word with a curious sort of upward inflection- “no?” “noo?” “noooo?!”

She communicates remarkably well using a combination of Chinese, English, and sign language. Since January we’ve been speaking to her only in Chinese, which I think has paid off. At least my Chinese has improved. I couldn’t tell you how to say “forgiveness” or “ambition”, but I can say the words for ostrich, rhino, panda bear, alligator, penguin, and orangutan.

I like how she swings her arms nonchalantly while she walks around. I like how she applauds herself when she figures she’s done something pretty good. I like how she feeds all the stuffed animals. I like how she chases the cats around trying to sit on them. I sort of like how she announces when anyone in the room farts (name of farter included). I like how she lies her head on my shoulder, waits for me to finish praying, and says “ah-meh” before we put her to bed. I like how when she’s scared of the vacuum cleaner or shy of new people she lies still against me and grips my shirt real tight. I like how the randomest things make her laugh uncontrollably.

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