Thursday, June 4, 2009


I’ve realized that pregnancy is a philosophical endeavor, sort of like treating ocular hypertension. Yesterday I had a patient come for a second opinion about whether she should be on eyedrops for her mildly elevated eye pressures. I explained the whole situation and basically told her each doctor has their own philosophy of approach, and she’d probably get a different answer from every person she asked.

That’s how pregnancy is; everyone seems to have their own constructs on what should and shouldn’t be done. I know one person who drinks occasional alcohol, another who has sworn off artificial sweeteners. I used to want to know what all the other pregnant women were doing, but now I sort of don’t—it’s like being around your classmates while studying for exams; a little interaction can be helpful but too much is stressful.

I’ve pretty much been naturally laid-back about the whole thing. Short of avoiding proven toxins and popping a prenatal vitamin every morning, life hasn’t changed all that much. I read occasionally from pregnancy books but not obsessively; I chew sugar-free gum without guilt and still go for light jogs.

The only thing that’s been remotely unusual about this pregnancy has been how little I’ve been showing, and this I hear about endlessly. That’s how I looked at two months.. you’re due August of this year?.. do you do lots of ab exercises? (ha, ha). Up until this past week or two I wasn’t comment-ably pregnant, much less obviously in my third trimester.

But the baby is moving all the time, as if she’s telling me there’s really something in there, and this is all okay. There will be plenty of lumbering around with sore backs and heavy ankles later. It’s nice to be pleasantly round but not encumbered. I feel grateful for the simplicity of this all. Is it just my personality? Have I changed? Who knows, but simple is good.

Week Twenty-Nine

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